City of Broken Bow
OklahomaNestled in the foothills of the Kiamichi Mountains, this rural community of nearly five thousand, ranks as a top contender for a place to live and raise children, as well as a major tourist area.

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City Manager
The Office of the City Manager is located in City Hall. The City Manager’s Office provides centralized direction and leadership for the effective administration and operations of all municipal services for the City of Broken Bow as directed by the City Council and serves as the focal point for the management of the City staff departments.
The City Manager’s Office prepares and submits to the City Council a balanced plan of municipal services in adherence with the policy goals and objectives established by the City Council.
City Manager -Â Vickie Patterson
City Hall
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm; Friday: 7:30am - 11:30 am
The City of Broken Bow has a Council-Manager form of city government.
Five councilmen are elected, four by district, and one at-large. Mayor Jerry Don Smith. At Large, Vice-mayor Councilman Drew Anderson, Ward 1 Grandville Jett, Ward 3 Councilman Tim Rothstein, Ward 4 and Councilman Sue Norrid, Ward 2.
City Council meetings are every third Tuesday at 4:30pm at 210 Broadway St.

The Office of the City Clerk
The Office of the City Clerk and staff are located in City Hall. This office maintains municipal records, to include the City Council, Authority, other agendas and minutes, as mandated by state statute and City Code of Ordinances.
All professional/technical contracts, intergovernmental and joint powers agreements, public improvement contracts, subdivision improvements, liens, bonds, tort claims, minutes for all city boards, are kept and maintained by this office.
Photocopies of the above, along with city ordinances, resolutions, executive communications, and other historical data are available by request to the general public.
All activities surrounding municipal and special elections, and referenda are also the responsibility of this office. The Office of the City Clerk constantly strives to improve the quality of service lawfully and through sound management practices.
City Clerk/Treasurer -Kristina Warta
Land (sq mi)
City of Broken Bow Officials

Grandville Jett

Sue Norrid

Drew Anderson

Tim Rothstein
Ward 4

Jerry Don Smith
At Large/Mayor
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All Departments

Code Enforcement
The Department of Code Enforcement is the City of Broken Bow entity responsible for enforcing city codes. Infractions include, but are not limited to , zoning violations, overgrown lots and yards...

Senior Citizens Center
The George Puckett Nutrition and Senior Center opened March 2003 and employs six personnel. It is a lovely 6000sq ft facility, located on the edge of the pond, in the beautiful city park.

Park and Recreation Department
The Broken Bow City Parks Department has 4 employees that maintain the Broken Bow City Park, the Broken Bow Youth Complex and the Lilly Mae Young Park along with other city buildings, airport and the Broken Bow Cemetery.

Street and Sanitation Department
The Street and Sanitation Departments have a total of thirteen employees with which we maintain, build, and asphalt the roads and remove residential and commercial refuse within the city limits.

Police Department
The men and women of the Broken Bow Police Department are committed to enhance the quality of life and lessen the criminal fears of all citizens by aggressively pursuing all criminals, patrolling all city

Fire & Rescue Department
The City of Broken Bow's Fire Department, with an I.S.O rating of class 2, is deeply committed to customer service, and is responsible for protecting life and property from the hazards of fire,

Broken Bow Municipal Airport
The airport is located just west of Broken Bow, on Rodeo Road. It has an elevation of 403.2 ft, is asphalt covered, has a 3200 ft lighted runway and a fixed base operator along with being listed by the FAA Mapping Service.

Public Library
In 1972, our library became part of the Choctaw Nation County Library System. This later became known as the Southeastern Public Library System

Dierks Train #227
The little logging mike that sets at Broken Bow, OK next to the crossing of the TO&E R.R. and highway 259 was the last steam locomotive to operate in McMcurtain county.
Water Department
Our raw water source is from Broken Bow Lake. Broken Bow Lake is known as the cleanest and clearest lake in Oklahoma.
Municipal Court
The Broken Bow Municipal Court room and Office of the Court Clerk are both located in the City Hall building

Landmarks and Tourism
The Broken Bow Lake, nine miles northeast of Broken Bow, is one of the most scenic lakes in the state.
Adjacent to Broken Bow Lake, Beavers Bend State Park, with its rustic but modern cabins, as well as camping sites, hiking trails, and fabulous fishing, is a haven for relaxing.

City Land Marks
Broken Bow Lake (north)
Beavers Bend State Park (north)
Airport “Jewel Callaham” (center)
City Hall (center)
Police Department
Fire & Rescue Department
Public Library
Senior Citizen Center
Gardner mansion and Museum (Historic Home of the “Chief of the Choctaws) -1884
The Indian Memorial Museum (prehistoric Indian pottery, fossils)
Weyerhaeuser Company