City Hall & Officials
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City Manager
The Office of the City Manager is located in City Hall. The City Manager’s Office provides centralized direction and leadership for the effective administration and operations of all municipal services for the City of Broken Bow as directed by the City Council and serves as the focal point for the management of the City staff departments.
The City Manager’s Office prepares and submits to the City Council a balanced plan of municipal services in adherence with the policy goals and objectives established by the City Council.
City Manager - Vickie Patterson
City Hall
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm; Friday: 7:30am - 11:30 am
The City of Broken Bow has a Council-Manager form of city government.
Five councilmen are elected, four by district, and one at-large. Mayor Jerry Don Smith. At Large, Vice-mayor Councilman Drew Anderson, Ward 1 Grandville Jett, Ward 3 Councilman Tim Rothstein, Ward 4 and Councilman Sue Norrid, Ward 2.
City Council meetings are every third Tuesday at 4:30pm at 210 Broadway St.

The Office of the City Clerk
The Office of the City Clerk and staff are located in City Hall. This office maintains municipal records, to include the City Council, Authority, other agendas and minutes, as mandated by state statute and City Code of Ordinances.
All professional/technical contracts, intergovernmental and joint powers agreements, public improvement contracts, subdivision improvements, liens, bonds, tort claims, minutes for all city boards, are kept and maintained by this office.
Photocopies of the above, along with city ordinances, resolutions, executive communications, and other historical data are available by request to the general public.
All activities surrounding municipal and special elections, and referenda are also the responsibility of this office. The Office of the City Clerk constantly strives to improve the quality of service lawfully and through sound management practices.
City Clerk/Treasurer -Kristina Warta
Land (sq mi)
City of Broken Bow Officials

Grandville Jett

Sue Norrid

Drew Anderson

Tim Rothstein
Ward 4

Jerry Don Smith
At Large/Mayor